Basic data for postcode SN15 5HA

Postcode SN15 5HA is placed in SN15 district ( Wiltshire; Kington ED; England ).
Nearest postcodes: SN15 5JZ ≈0.12 km away,   SN15 5EY ≈0.17 km away,   SN15 5EX ≈0.33 km away,   SN15 5EZ ≈0.36 km away,   SN15 5HD ≈0.35 km away,   SN15 5FB ≈0.44 km away,  
*Tip: Check for other postcodes in Chippenham from SN postal code area.

SN15 5HA postcode on map

Marker on the map represents approximate location of the SN15 5HA postcode.